Dynamic Programming¶
- action at each date
- reward (possibly) at each date depending on the action
- state variable that evolves depending on the action and that determines future possible rewards
Example: Cake-Eating Problem¶
- cake (of size 1) that can be eaten at any time
- utility from eating cake
- state variable is the amount of cake left
maximize $\sum_{t=0}^\infty \delta^t u(c_t)$ subject to $\sum_{t=0}^\infty c_t \leq 1$
- we'll take $\delta = 0.9$ and $u(c) = \sqrt{c}$ for illustration
Value Function¶
- maximum discounted future utility achievable starting from a given amount of cake $c$
$$V(x) = \max_{\sum c_t \le x} \sum_{t=0}^\infty \delta^t u(c_t)$$
- satisfies Bellman equation
$$V(x) = \max_{c \le x} u(c) + \delta V(x-c)$$
Value Iteration¶
- start with arbitrary guess $V_0$ for $V$, for example, $V_0(x)=0$ for all $x$.
- define $V_1(x) = \max_c u(c) + \delta V_0(x-c)$.
- define $V_2(x) = \max_c u(c) + \delta V_1(x-c)$, etc.
- this is a contraction map and converges to the true value function $V$.
In [5]:
import numpy as np
from autograd import grad
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
u = np.sqrt
delta = 0.9
cake_grid = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
In [ ]:
# solve optimization in Bellman equation
# return value of right-hand side and optimal action
def bellman(V, cake):
if cake == 0:
return 0, 0
rhs = lambda consume: - u(consume) - delta * V(cake - consume)
result = minimize(rhs, 0.5*cake, bounds=[(0, cake)])
return - result.fun, result.x.item()
In [ ]:
# execute value iteration step V -> Vnew
def value_iteration(V):
value_arr = np.empty_like(cake_grid)
for i, c in enumerate(cake_grid):
value, action = bellman(V, c)
value_arr[i] = value
Vnew = interp1d(cake_grid, value_arr)
return Vnew
In [ ]:
# iterate until convergence starting from V = 0
def fixed_point(tol=1e-6, max_iter=2000):
err = 1
iter = 0
V = lambda c: 0
while (err > tol) & (iter < max_iter):
Vnew = value_iteration(V)
err = ((V(cake_grid) - Vnew(cake_grid))**2).sum()
V = Vnew
iter += 1
return V, err, iter
In [ ]:
# get optimal policy from value function
def policy(V):
action_arr = np.empty_like(cake_grid)
for i, c in enumerate(cake_grid):
value, action = bellman(V, c)
action_arr[i] = action
policy = interp1d(cake_grid, action_arr)
return policy
In [6]:
# run, get value and policy functions, and print data
fp = fixed_point()
V = fp[0]
policy = policy(V)
print("Converged after", fp[2], "iterations")
print("Error is", fp[1])
Converged after 34 iterations Error is 8.022033503718986e-07
Compare value functions¶
The true value function is $$V(x) = \sqrt{\frac{x}{1-\delta^2}}$$
In [7]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# numeric solution
plt.plot(cake_grid, [V(c) for c in cake_grid], label="numeric")
# analytic solution
plt.plot(cake_grid, [np.sqrt(x/(1-delta**2)) for x in cake_grid], label="analytic")
plt.xlabel("Remaining Cake")
plt.ylabel("Value Function")
In [8]:
# numeric solution
plt.plot(cake_grid, [policy(c) for c in cake_grid], label="numeric")
# analytic solution
plt.plot(cake_grid, [(1-delta**2)*x for x in cake_grid], label="analytic")
plt.xlabel("Remaining Cake")
plt.ylabel("Amount to Eat")
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